Friday, August 3, 2007

AYES Announces 2007 Instructor of the Year Finalists

AYES announced its 2007 Instructor of the Year (IOTY) finalists. They are: Randy Baker from East Valley Institute of Technology in Mesa, AZ, Bruce Harris from A.E. Smith Career & Technical Education High School in Bronx, NY, Michael McGhee from Arlington Career Center in Arlington, VA, Michael O'Hara from H. B. Ward Technical Center in Riverhead, NY and David White from Parkside High School in Salisbury, MD.
"All of our AYES instructors work very hard, not only to educate and prepare their students but on their own continued education and certification," said AYES President Larry Cummings. "We are proud to be able to have the opportunity to recognize some of the very best instructors in the AYES program."
The IOTY award is based on several contributing factors, including, intern placement success, school and instructor certification and compliance with AYES guidelines. Instructors are responsible for educating students in the classroom and helping to place them in internships, as well as continually communicating with the student and his or her mentor while they are working in the dealership.
A team of AYES management staff reviewed the self-nomination forms to determine the finalists and winner. This year's 7th annual IOTY award was announced at the farewell dinner during the instructor's conference on Thursday, July 19. The IOTY received his award from AYES President Larry Cummings, and SPX representative, Gina Tuttle, Vice President, OEM Programs and Daily Support Services NA.

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